Shopping Trends Coming To America

Shopping Trends Coming To America

Shopping trends in China, the most populous country in the world, show that they are leading the way with one startling statistic. China has more e-commerce activity than any country, and their spending capacity is slated to increase by at least 20% each year for the next decade.[1]

Due to the high volume of online shopping occurring in China every day, retailers are looking for more ways to stay in front of their customers, on as many platforms as possible. It is not uncommon for Chinese consumers to get marketing messages via text message, email, Facebook messenger – you name it. Chinese retailers understand with over a billion eager shoppers looking for the best online deals on their phones, reaching as many consumers in an online space is mission critical.

As some of the most tech-savvy consumers with over $4,033 in disposable income per household per year, the rapid rate of Chinese innovation, and integration of social media, multimedia into everyday life, China can be the perfect case study for American retailers.

But, what can American retailers learn from Chinese buying behavior to cash in on the e-commerce boom?

Simply put…build an online presence.

As more and more consumers look for online shopping options, having an e-commerce offering, in addition, to a brick and mortar location can be a smart way to attract and retain more customers. Leveraging new ways to connect with consumers on smartphones and mobile devices through store-specific apps, customized text messages, or offering convenient mobile ordering options can all be effective strategies to tap into the e-commerce wave.

Finding ways to bring technology and a customized shopping experience to your retail stores is also one of the emerging shopping trends. Leading brands are integrating “pop-up” shopping kiosks like FLO that allow shoppers to virtually experience products as well as personalized accessories or features to fit their lifestyle. Not only does this provide a truly unique offering for the traditional retail showroom, but it also provides stores with invaluable consumer insight that would not otherwise be attainable.

Are you looking for new ways to transform your retail shopping experience? The experienced and reputable interior contractors, store remodeling, and retail buildout specialists at the Beam Team are here to help. Give us a call today at 844-232-6832 to schedule a complimentary retail remodeling consultation with our retail interior construction team.


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