Top 5 Reasons Why The Construction Industry Is Attractive to Millennials

In today’s job market, finding a well-paying job that pays well and does not require a college degree can be hard to come by. As more and more Millennials are opting out of expensive college education and looking for alternative careers, the construction industry quickly is becoming a viable option. Though hard hit during the recession, the construction industry has been one of the few industries that has made a strong comeback and is poised to offer highly skilled workers a very attractive and lucrative career path. Here are the top five reasons why the construction industry could be a smart career option.

Low barrier to entry. Many trade schools or unions offer free or heavily subsidized schooling for Millennials looking to break into the industry. Though pay during the apprenticeship is often 30-50% of what you would make once you have completed the program, the weekly pay is often as much as an entry level job that may require a college degree. Depending on the exact trade you enter, unions often offer full health benefits and travel stipends to and from school locations that can also be an added benefit as you sharpen your skills to enter the construction industry.

Attractive pay. With the number of construction job openings outpacing the amount of skilled workers in the labor force, finding a job in this industry is not hard to come by. As the gap continues to widen, the pay scale for many labor- or skill-intensive jobs will also increase. Though a college degree is often a requirement for many white-color positions, the return on the investment is minimal. For example, the average education major makes approximately $34,891 per year, whereas the lowest paid construction trade earns approximately $33,430 – without the student loan debt.

Overtime options. Unlike many salaried positions, the construction industry is largely based on paying workers an hourly wage. With this comes the opportunity and very real possibility of being able to earn a substantial amount of money in overtime pay. Since many construction jobs are run on tight delivery schedules, the chances of being able to work nights, weekends, or on holidays to earn extra income are very high.

Opportunity to travel. Depending on your specialty, there could be work to travel throughout the country. In many cases, highly specialized tradesmen like welders and steamfitters can make a lucrative income by traveling to new work sites, every 6-8 months. With construction projects popping up across the country, the opportunities of finding good work, with high-paying wages is virtually limitless.

Long-term job security. Though the construction industry was hard hit during the recession, so too was almost every other industry, especially real estate and banking. Unlike most industries, the construction industry is largely financed by local, state, and federal government funds as well as large investments from private corporations. Therefore the steady stream of cash being put into the industry make it one of the leading reasons why construction-related jobs have been able to bounce back quickly from their 2008 lows. As online retailers like Amazon look to establish brick and mortar retail stores and warehouses, the construction industry is expected to be an attractive employment option well into the next decade. Not to mention, many trade unions offer incredible health and family benefits as well as unemployment benefits.

If you’re considering breaking into the construction industry and have questions, or would like to submit a resume for consideration, contact The Beam Team today for more information.

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