Managing inventory with ever-changing consumer trends can be both time-consuming and costly for companies. With retail stores constantly looking for a way to outpace their online counterparts, finding creative ways to store, track, and purchase inventory has become a must. As a matter of fact, in 2018, the warehouse trends are expected to continue to differentiate as companies are innovating new ways to lower their cost of goods sold while meeting their customers’ needs.
Customer shop and pick options like IKEA are emerging as a way for companies to merge their warehouse with showrooms. This also reduces the overhead and staff-related costs of having to maintain separate showroom and warehouse locations.
To prevent stagnant inventory or items that may experience seasonal lulls, retailers are using flash sale tactics to quickly liquidate “hard-to-sell” products and free up space for more in-demand merchandise.
Additionally, when warehouse space becomes abundant, some companies are converting part of the space into offices for administrative and research functions. In this way, the company is able to re-purpose the space, streamline communication between departments, and lower their cost of business.
If you are considering a warehouse renovation or want to find ways that you can more efficiently use your existing warehouse space, then contact the interior construction experts at The Beam Team. We would be happy to schedule a complimentary, no strings attached project consultation – call us today at 844-232-6832.